Sofa Cleaning Cheshire

Upholstery cleaning Service Cheshire

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Sofa Cleaners in Cheshire

What type of furniture do you have?
Identification of the fabric to be cleaned is critical. Using the incorrect method or system could lead to permanent damage. This is where our 22 years and counting of experience allows us to get the job done correctly the first time.
Is the fabric we are dealing with artificial or natural yarn?
First, we use our training to identify what we are working with. We can also carry out a burn and float test if we are unsure, as new materials are being used constantly.
We don’t trust the labels attached to the furniture as we have experienced some giving incorrect information.
To ensure a smooth and healthy outcome for any type of furniture, we always carry out an inspection.
We check the backing, sides, seats, and headrests. If piping is part of the design, we check this. What stains are visible, what can be removed, and what will remain?
Using photographs and a tape measure, if rips or worn areas are visible.
Once complete, we can now determine what method we should use.
For artificial fabrics, the majority can be steam extracted. For natural yarns such as silk, we would use an alternative method.
Whatever system we decide to use, we advise the customer of the expected outcome.
The vast majority of our work does not require us to showcase the work.
What we do like to do is show examples of a three-piece suite that is in very poor condition.
The before and after pictures you can see show our skills.
These were both dealt with differently than our normal methods because of the severity of dirt and smells.
Instead of applying solutions via our spray system, we handwash.
For both, the concentration of formula was increased from 1 scoop to five litres, to one scoop per litre. In addition, a strong antibacterial deodoriser was also added.
Using a medium bristle brush, we liberally apply and scrub the solution into the fibres. Once we see a film either being white or the muck lifting, we now leave this to dwell.
Steam extraction is also used to remove all the bacteria and muck along with smells and stains.
Typically,these are treated twice, and the customer will know this before any work beginning
This is our process
1/ Hoover- This will remove all the loose debris.
2/ Apply the solution best suited for the material we are working on.
This will be an alkaline solution.
3/ We now agitate the solution to ensure full contact breaks down dirt and grease. We will either use a soft brush or an adapted drill brush.
4/ Once agitated has been completed, we then re-apply the solution and leave this alone whilst we set up our machine.
5/ Water pressure is critical. Use too much and damage will occur. Use too little and not all the dirt will be removed. This is where our vast experience assists us in making that judgment call.
6/ We start on the rear and work our way around the side. Once complete, we can put the sofa back into position.
7/ Headrests and arms are now worked on
8/ Seating areas are left till last as more work is normally required.
9/ Once all work is complete, we place an air mover that speeds up the drying time drastically.
10/ If the customer requires a stain guard applied, we can do this
Dry Method
We follow the same rules as applied above with a BUT.
The solution we use is a liquid, however, it is a dry compound.
We only used fresh white terry towels to apply, agitate
As you can expect, there are limitations to this which the customer will be advised of before any work begins.
We always identify the type of fibre on the furniture, as using the wrong method could cause permanent damage. We have over 22 years of experience, which allows us to get the job done right the first time.
We can identify whether the fabric is made of natural or artificial yarn, and if we are unsure, we can perform a burn and float test. We do not rely on the labels attached to the furniture, as they may not be accurate. We inspect the backing, sides, seats, and headrests, as well as any piping or visible stains.
If rips or worn areas are present, we take photographs and measurements. We determine the appropriate method based on our inspection, which may differ depending on whether the fabric is natural or artificial. We communicate the expected outcome to the customer before proceeding with any work.

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